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Welcome to the Call for Papers
of the 5th edition of USA!

Please read the entire content below before submitting – even if you are a seasoned speaker. is a platform for the hardware and security community where researchers showcase and discuss their innovative research on attacking and defending hardware. We happily open doors for researchers and hackers around the world working on the next Big Thing in security – if you've done interesting offence/defence research on any hardware and want to share it to the security community, it's time to submit your research paper!


  • CFP Opens: 15 November 2022
  • CFP Closes: 10 February 2023 CLOSED
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection:
    First week of March
  • Conference Days: 2nd - 3rd June 2023


We are interested in new and cutting edge security work that has previously not been published. Some security topics for your reference including (but not limited to):

  • Integrated Circuits
  • Processors
  • Internet of Things / Smart Devices
  • Embedded Systems & Cryptography
  • Automobile, Aeroplane, Train Automation Systems and Hardware Components
  • Industrial Control Systems / SCADA
  • Satellite Systems
  • Medical Devices

  • Smartphone Firmware, Hardware Firmware
  • Hardware Pentesting
  • Trusted Platform Module
  • Radio Communication Protocols and Hardware
  • Hardware Trust and Assurance Algorithms
  • Multimedia Hardware, Firmware, Protocols
  • Telecom Hardware / Networks
  • Electronic / Physical Locks
  • Attacks & Countermeasures


A. New Research Category:

Type: A deep knowledge technical track that includes new research, vulnerabilities, zero days or exploits. And by new we really mean new i.e. if your research or talk has been published/showcased (partially or entirely) before, it will fall under current research category even though there are enhancements/changes to the original research.**

Duration: 45 mins


  • Travel Reimbursement:

    Either actuals or the below mentioned amounts, whichever is less

    • Speaker travelling from outside USA (Based on actuals or USD 1000, whichever is less)
    • Speaker travelling from within USA (Based on actuals or USD 250, whichever is less)
    • If your employer can afford (or covers) your travel, we will not reimburse anything from our end i.e. we will only reimburse if no one is sponsoring your travel)
    • Please provide the receipts/invoice of the travel along with tickets for reimbursement.
  • Complimentary Accommodation for 3 nights
  • Complimentary Corporate Conference Pass
  • Invitation to Party

B. Current Research and Workshop Category:

Type: Comprises known security issues, new research presented/published elsewhere, case studies, twist to an existing research, vulnerability, exploit or research-in-progress.**

Duration: 45 mins


  • Complimentary Accommodation for 3 nights
  • Complimentary Corporate Conference Pass
  • Invitation to Party

C. Tool Category:

Type: Comprises open source security tools, exploits, hardware etc. This is an excellent opportunity for the original authors to showcase their work to the world.**

Duration: 30 mins


  • Complimentary Accommodation for 3 nights
  • Complimentary Corporate Conference Pass
  • Invitation to Party


t.l.d.r. We will not publish your research in an academic journal, hence there’s no strict format.

Some of you might wonder what format (number of pages, single/double-column, blind/single-blind, etc.) you should stick to when submitting your research or tool. Well, as we are not an academic conference and we do not publish your research in any academic journals (ieee, acm, springer, open source, etc.), we don’t have a strict format for the submissions.

One can actually submit their research without a full-fledged research paper: if they prefer to just describe the research details under "Full Technical details" in the form, that is also sufficient. Of course, you can also upload your work in the format of a paper: whatever is more convenient for you, works for us. After submission, all research will be subject to review by our review board. The reviewers will not know the names/affiliations of the authors.

The authors of all accepted papers are invited to present their research in-person in the USA between 2nd-3rd June 2023. We will record the talks and upload them (together with the ppts).


1) Submit early – Submitting early increases the chance of acceptance in the first round of reviews. The more you delay, the more competition you have with other papers that are submitted later.

2) Technical description – The more clear-cut technical details you provide, the better chance you have of getting accepted. Reviewers usually give a low score to submissions that have very short/vague abstract and may not request more details. The best way is to provide a supporting full technical paper that explains all the vulnerabilities, exploits, etc. in detail. Product/company marketing and vendor-related pitches will be rejected. We request you not to submit any product-specific talk.

3) Live demos – please note we really like talks/workshops with live demos. Of course it is also possible to submit a paper without demos – this will not affect the score of your paper.

4) Rejection of a paper – Many security professionals aim to publish and present their findings at renowned security conferences. However, publishing such research is no easy task, and rejection is a common occurrence. Please take rejection as a suggestion for improvement of the paper. Declining a paper doesn't mean your submission is not good enough – there are numerous parameters we consider when reviewing a paper. Quite often we have to let go of really good talks since there is already an accepted paper on a similar subject, or because your submission is already presented/published elsewhere. Cheer up and get ready for the next submission, we're always looking for new research!

5) Review panel & comments – Since the conference will be offline, the review will be conducted in-house by the organization expert team. Final decision on acceptance/rejection of papers is based on this scoring and our internal decision. We do not ask our review board to provide comments for the submissions.

6) Category – If the submission is (being) presented prior to or if it is an enhancement of an already presented research, please DO NOT mark it as new research, as it falls under current research.

7) New research - At we focus on new research that has not yet been published/presented prior to conference dates. New research submissions get priority over current research. If your submission is a rework/enhancement or your existing research or similar presentation to what is already delivered/published elsewhere, it will get a lower score when compared to new research.

8) Past talks – Please visit and have a look at previous conference speeches for reference purposes.

+1 check out what our past CFP speakers recommend:


* Only one speaker will be eligible for the travel benefits in case there are two or more speakers for a talk (for new research category).
** By submitting a paper and agreeing to talk, the speakers give Payatu BV & Hardwear Inc the right to post, publish, re-distribute online and offline, soft and/or hard copies of their presentation material including slides, source code, design specifications, detailed paper and the recorded video of the talk.


Last three steps:

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Venue Head Office Contact

Payatu BV

Office 403, WTC The Hague Business Center

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33

2595 AM The Hague

The Netherlands

International Inquiries: +31 702051709