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Talks from Netherlands 2019

Talks Video Link Presentation Link
Keynote:- Integrated-Circuit Surgery: getting to the heart of the problem with the smallest scalpel by John Walker video button download button
RIDLed with CPU bugs by Alyssa Milburn & Stephan van Schaik video button download button
Exposing device features on 4G & 5G networks by Altaf Shaik & Ravishankar Borgaonkar video button download button
Workshop:- Enter FACT: Boost your firmware security analysis with automation, visualization, and cross referencing by Johannes vom Dorp & Peter Weidenbach download button
It's easier to break than to patch: a stealthy DoS attack against CAN by Stefano Zanero & Stefano Longari video button download button
Hacking pre-obd car for fun and horsepower by Gyver Ferrand video button download button
Workshop:- Scaffold board showcase by Olivier Heriveaux & Karim Abdellatif download button
Hardware security evaluation of Intel MAX 10 FPGAs: from feasibility study to security boundaries by Sergei Skorobogatov video button download button
Enclosure PUF: Tamper Proofing Commodity Hardware & other Applications by Christian Zenger & Lars Steinschulte video button download button
CXO PANEL:- Supply Chain Security - Mission Impossible?
Keynote:- Roots of Trust and Attestation by Trammell Hudson video button download button
Poking the S in SD cards by Nicolas Oberli video button download button
Workshop:- How to Build & Secure a RISC-V Embedded System by Cesare Garlati & Prof. Sandro Pinto download button
Day-1 with a TTIG-868 by Brian Butterly video button
Sniffle: A low cost sniffer for Bluetooth 5 by Sultan Qasim Khan video button download button
When hardware attacks scale by Marc Witteman video button download button
Electric vehicle CAN man-in-the-middling by Emile Nijssenv video button download button
CXO PANEL:- Security Certifications for IoT Devices video button