Trainers Bio:
Marko Schuba received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen University. He has more than 20 years experience in IT security related fields. Currently, he is working as a full professor at Aachen University of Applied science, teaching and doing research in IT security and digital forensics with a focus on ICS, automotive and smart home. Marko collaborates with a number of companies and authorities, including the State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW, the Federal Criminal Police Office, and Interpol. He is also a co-founder of two IT security companies: schuba & höfken and @-yet Industrial IT Security. He is a trainer for ICS security since 2013.
Nico Jansen holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from Aachen University of Applied Science. During his studies he discovered IT security as his favorite subject, starting own projects related to web application and IoT security. Nico is currently finalizing his Master Degree in Computer Science, analyzing the security of PLCs. At the same time, he is working as a security consultant, penetration tester and trainer for @-yet Industrial IT Security in Aachen.