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Talks from Netherlands 2024

Talks Video Link Presentation Link
Keynote:- Side Channel Attacks: Lessons Learned or Troubles Ahead? by Daniel Genkin video button
Keynote:- Cyber investigations: reading between the lines of Law enforcement press releases by Donatas Mazeika video button
Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Fuzzing: from specification to implementation by Baptiste Boyer download button
Fuzzing GPRS Layer-2 for Fun and Profit by Dyon Goos & Marius Muench download button
Escaping the sandbox: Side Channel Shenanigans on Our DIY Chip by Jasper van Woudenberg download button
ARM MTE: The End of Memory Corruption? Not Yet by Juhee Kim download button
HAWKEYE – Recovering Symmetric Cryptography From Hardware Circuits by Julian Speith download button
EL3XIR: Fuzzing COTS Secure Monitors by Marcel Busch & Christian Lindenmeier video button download button
Is Your Memory Protected? Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Automotive MPU Mechanisms by Nimrod Stoler video button
MIFARE Classic: exposing the static encrypted nonce variant by Philippe Teuwen video button download button
Google Nest Wifi Pro Bypassing Android Verified Boot by Sergei Volokitin download button
Byepervisor: How We Broke the PS5 Hypervisor by SpecterDev video button download button
EUCLEAK by Thomas Roche video button download button
Hacking EV charging stations via the charging cable by Wilco van Beijnum & Sebastiaan Laro Tol video button download button
DramaQueen: Revisiting Side Channels in DRAM by Ben Gras download button
Memory Security Retrospective by David Hulton
From Rowhammer to GhostWrite: Advanced Exploitation and Discovery of Hardware Bugs by Fabian Thomas & Lukas Gerlach download button
SILVER BULLET: solving Row Hammer entirely by Fabrice Devaux
Sticky Tags Stop Spatial Memory Errors by Herbert Bos
Looking Back at 10 Years of Rowhammer Exploits by Jonas Juffinger & Andreas Kogler download button
Imaging and Reverse Engineering Sense Amplifiers in Modern DRAM by Michele Marazzi
Future of Computer Architecture and Hardware Security by Onur Mutlu download button
Hacking NAND Memory Pinout using Logic Analyzer by Sasha Sheremetov download button