Keynote:- Hacking with AI: Our journey through the perils & promises by Dhinesh Manoharan |
Breaking Secure Boot on the Silicon Labs Gecko platform by Benoît Forgette & Sami Babigeon |
Basebanheimer: Now I Am Become Death, The Destroyer Of Chains by Daniel Komaromy |
Protect your screen from eavesdropping: don’t forget its power supply by Emmanuel Cottais |
Automated Fault Injection Attacks on Embedded Devices by Enrico Pozzobon & Nils Weiss |
CSI:Rowhammer - Cryptographic Security and Integrity against Rowhammer by Jonas Juffinger |
TEEzz: Fuzzing Trusted Applications on COTS Android Devices by Marcel Busch |
Dissecting the Modern Android Data Encryption Scheme by Maxime Rossi Bellom & Damiano Melotti |
Triple Exploit Chain with Laser Fault Injection on a Secure Element by Olivier Heriveaux |
How deep is the rabbit hole? A deep dive into exploitation of a popular smart speaker by Sergei Volokitin |
Understanding physics to break AES encryption with custom side-channel hardware by Stephan Mathieu & Roman Korkikian |
Blue2thprinting (blue-[tooth)-printing]: answering the question of 'WTF am I even looking at?!' by Xeno Kovah |
Attacking Vehicle Fleet Management Systems by Yashin Mehaboobe & Ramiro Pareja Veredas |
Hacking a Smart Doorbell: An IoT hacking guide by Daniel Schwendner |
Wasefire, a secure firmware framework by Julien Cretin & Jean-Michel Picod |
A new future for IoT security: better solutions and what did not work so far by Dimitar Tomov, Guillaume Crinon and Nikita Veshchikov |