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Talks from Netherlands 2022

Talks Video Link Presentation Link
Keynote:- Reverse Engineering is Good for Soul by Travis Goodspeed video button
An Overview of the Security of Some Hardware FIDO(2) Tokens by Dr. Victor Lomne video button download button
Assessing the security of an SMM supervisor by Ilja van Sprundel video button download button
How To Tame Your Robot by Jiska Classen & Fabian Freyer video button
HandPwning: security pitfalls of hand-geometry recognition-based access control systems by Luca Bongiorni video button download button
Using EMC testing equipment as a new side channel acquisition technique by Nicolas Oberli & Benjamin Vernoux video button download button
Blackbox fuzzing with side channels by Sergei Volokitin video button download button
Rethinking Trusted Execution Environments in the Age of Reconfigurable Computing by Sérgio Pereira & Dr. Sandro Pinto video button
Popping Locks, Stealing Cars, and Breaking a Billion Other Things: Bluetooth LE Link Layer Relay Attacks by Sultan Qasim Khan video button download button
Hardware attacks against SM4 in practice by Sylvain Pelissier & Nicolas Oberli video button download button
Practical Invasive Attacks, How the Hardware is Hacked for Compatible Product Creation? by Thomas Olivier video button
Using a magic wand to break the iPhone's last security barrier by Tihmstar video button download button
Bypass NXP LPC-Family debug check with Voltage Fault Injection by Waleed AlZamil & Bandar Alharbi video button download button
Firmware Security Village by Christopher Krah & Jörg Stucke
Two vulnerabilities per line of code: a low-cost side-channel story by Witold Waligora
Go Below MMIO: Examining SPI flash transactions on Intel x86 systems by Xeno Kovah
How can we make hardware bug bounties better? by Andreas Junestam, Victor Vuillard and Eduardo Vela video button