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Niyo Little Thunder Pearson at Hardwear USA 2024

Niyo Little Thunder Pearson

Speaker Bio:

Niyo Little Thunder Pearson is the Co-founder of MITRE EMB3D

Co-developed the first Security Orchestration, Automation and Response platform in 2012 for American Express.

Developed one of the top tier critical infrastructure cybersecurity and OT cybersecurity programs for the 3rd largest natural gas utility based developed to defend nation state/state sponsored campaigns.

Extensive background in cyber operations, network security, malware reverse engineering and ICS/OT cybersecurity

Multiple years of experience with key programs and frameworks within the US: 2018 TSA Pipeline Security Guidelines, Department of Energy Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2 v2.1), DARPA RADICS and Cyber Yankee exercises