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Jonas Juffinger at Hardwear Netherlands 2024

Jonas Juffinger & Andreas Kogler

Looking Back at 10 Years of Rowhammer Exploits

Talk Title:

Looking Back at 10 Years of Rowhammer Exploits

Speaker Bio:

Jonas Juffinger is a PhD candidate at the Graz University of Technology. In his work he focuses on Rowhammer attacks like Half-Double Rowhammer or PressHammer and mitigations like CSI:Rowahmmer or PT-Guard. He also researches side channels, for example on SSDs and microarchitectural attacks. In his most recent work on power aware computing he showed how CPU undervolting can be made more secure.

Andreas Kogler is a security researcher from Austria. He finished his PhD in the field of system security. His primary focus is combining traditional hardware attacks with microarchitectural techniques to mount software-only attacks. In the past, he was involved in the Half-Double Rowhammer variant, the AEPIC-Leak, CacheWarp, and Collide+Power vulnerabilities