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Fabrice Devaux at Hardwear Netherlands 2024

Fabrice Devaux

SILVER BULLET: solving Row Hammer entirely

Talk Title:

SILVER BULLET: solving Row Hammer entirely


The presentation "SILVER BULLET : solving row hammer entirely" introduces

  • Row Hammer, a problem plagging the DRAMs for 15 years
  • Row Press, a new problem, which can be seen as a Row Hammer offspring.

The presentation equally describes:

  • Silver Bullet, a mathematically proved solution to row hammer
  • How Silvert bullet can handle Row Press as well (Row Press being related to Row Hammer)
  • Russian puppet, a Silver Bullet integration solution with the lowest implementation cost possible

Speaker Bio:

Fabrice Devaux, Master degree (DEA) in micro-electronic, french university PARIS 6 (1992) logic designer then CPU architect in various french electronic company, including STm Found a embedded hypervisor software startup in 2003 (sold to VMWARE in 2008) Co-found UPMEM in 2015 UPMEM CTO since 2015, architect and main designer of UPMEM DPU, a 32-bit processor integrated into the DRAM die