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Erwan LE DISEZ Headshot
Etienne CHARRON Headshot

Erwan LE DISEZ & Etienne CHARRON

Talk Title:

CANanalyze: a python framework for automotive protocols


CANanalyze is a python framework to interact with normalized protocols (CAN, ISOTP, UDS) used in the automotive industry. This framework was developed to help cyber security validations, run dynamic analysis or verifications on complex ECU (detect debug services, test routing and firewall calibration, interact simultaneously with automobile equipment on multiple interfaces). The framework provides an easy to use API to implement custom tests, a collection of scripts for common operations including validations on virtual or physical gateways.

Speaker Bio:

Erwan LE DISEZ: Erwan works as a security expert for Renault. His activities concern in particular the cyber security of embedded devices, IoT, communication protocols and architectures for industrial systems.

Etienne CHARRON: Intruder working inside Renault’s cybersecurity team (looking for vulnerabilities inside automotive components)